Derby week was so much fun with outdoor and indoor activities. Our mothers and fathers are near and dear to our to our hearts. Thank you mommy and daddy for taking care of us each day.
The sign language hand for I love you. These were part of the cards we made for our dear moms.
Acting out the song If I were a Butterfly or a robin or a bear. The purpose was to thank God for making me just the was that I am.
My stuffed animal loves his new cage.
We loved the tornado tube.
Indoor betting with dice, but you had to know your sight words to go forward.
Our derby hats
Our run for the Rose
It got a little tricky so we had to turn our glasses upside down.
Our stick horse races
Everybody is a winner at Lafayette Academy School.
The sensory table was full of horses and grass to cut.
A good old fashion game of horseshoes.