Bubbles and Daisies

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The weeks before Christmas were full of excitement as we became busy little elves making gifts for our parents. The stories we read reminded us that Christmas is Jesus' birthday, a time for sharing and giving. I hope that all our families had a wonderful holiday vacation and we look forward to seeing you in the new year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Jesus. We each had a marshmallow cake with a candle on top.

Ah........A job well done.

Cutting out my puzzle pieces.

Stringing buttons and beads on a pipecleaner to be turned into a wreath.

Painting his hand to put on an ornament.

Decorating our bags to take our gifts home.

Putting paper lights in order from 10 to 20.

In between Christmas activities the boys love to build bridges.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


The excitement and spirit of the Christmas season is in full swing in our Kindergarten Bridge classroom. Our train theme involved educational and fun activities while reinforcing our daily skills. The gingerbread unit led to cooking adventures and lots of active movement.

Smelling and stirring the dough.

Rolling the dough.

Mrs. Angela baked the gingerbread.

Gingerbread oh so yummy!!!!!!!!

Super job of patterning.

Decorating our gingerbread boys was easy, but putting the six piece puzzle together was a challenge.

We used our listening skills as Ms. Angela gave a direction to follow. This one was close your eyes and touch your nose. It's harder than it looks.

Pat you tummy and touch your head.

Count your teeth! I'm glad I'm not the tooth fairy for this group of guys because some have forty teeth!!!!!!!!!

Team work matching capitals and lower case letters.

The clickity clack of the sticks made great rhythm for our train poems.

Hard at work eating our little red cabooses we made.

Hard at work making our little red cabooses.

Stencil making the various cars is detailed work.

We made and learned the signs for railroad crossing.

Putting our alphabet train in order.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


We are so thankful for the many blessings God has given us. That has been our theme for the last two weeks. We have dicussed the Pilgrims and Native Americans and have learned how they shared their food and knowledge with each other. We continue to grow in respect of others feelings and expand our knowledge of preschool.

I feel an..... acorn.

I feel a....... bumpy pumpkin.

After having squash, pumpkins, acorns, etc. in our sensory table for several weeks, we had a "feely" box where children had to discover the contents inside only by the sense of touch. They guessed every item.

One of the first games the Indian children played was like our bowling. Pins and balls were carved out of wood. The boys enjoyed knocking them down and setting them back up.

After practicing with turkeys, the students made their own patterns on their headbands for our Pilgrim-Indian celebration.

Watching the hot air popper was fun, BUT ...........
eating the popcorn was the BEST!!!!!!!!!

What great tail feathers our hands make. Also, it helps us distinguish between right and left.

We studied and learned many things about the Native Americans. Our tepees were one example of their homes.

We can work as a team or individually to create shapes, designs, or anything we want.

The comics strips in Sunday's paper made terrific feathers for our turkeys.

Pinching clothespins to our turkeys added color and tested our counting skills.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Halloween, spiders, bats, and lots of leaf activities comprised our last two weeks of school. These guys enjoy doing their arts and crafts, but are more than willing to exercise and dance to the music. Note their intense faces as they work and play in the pictures.

Teamwork is the best.

All of us can put the numbers 0-10 in order and Mrs. Angela is so very proud of us.

We learned a big word this week. It was estimation or to guess. We guessed how many leaves we picked out of a basket in one hand, and then we had to really count them. We sure have some big hands and counted in groups of tens.

The boys got quite a surprise when we lifted the painted leaves off the paper. They did turn out fantastic.

Instead of using paintbrushes to make the leaves on our trees, we used pencil erasers and dipped them in fall colors.

Multitasking ----raking the leaves and playing the guitar.

And the race was on........who could blow the tissue paper leaf to the finish line????

He said, "It's a fall picture." I said, "That's amazing."

Leaf dancers we called them. We danced to fast and slow classical music. I bet you can guess which one we liked the best.

Matching capitals and lower case letters was an easy task for us.

Play dough is excellent for developing fine motor skills or in this case making creepy crawling spiders.

The finished product. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We created our own spider webs and put the spider in it.

We learned a lot of facts about spiders, especially that they are helpful to us.

We had to continue the pattern with bats and owls and stars and other "nocturnal" creatures we were learning about.

Pumpkin bingo with candy corn for markers. Yummy.

The perfect Halloween activity was making the scariest monster ever.

I'm not sure which they enjoyed more -the icing cookies or eating them?