Bubbles and Daisies

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The last two weeks we've talked a lot about the season of winter and the weather.  Even though we have not been able to go outside we've done some exciting science experiments and painted with colored ice cubes.  We have so enjoyed meeting several new friends to learn and have fun doing shadow play.
 Meeting our new friend.
 Mitten matching capitals with lower case letters.
 Painting with colored ice cubes.
 Frozen (solid) cranberry ice pops.  Yummy.
 We learned that liquid water takes the shape of the container it is in when it becomes a solid or frozen like this egg one.   
I gave each student an ice cube to see who could melt it the fastest. This idea was to put it in the sun. 
This idea was to stomp on it.  They were very creative in their attempts.  Other ideas were put it in hot water and pour salt on it.
I'd say he's pretty proud of himself for ordering the numbers 1-20. 
 It sure looks like Mrs. Angela is making a hot fudge sundae.
 No, it's a cloud, and now she's adding some blue coloring.
 Here comes the rain.
 These connectors are great for an indiviual or a group.
AWESOME WORK!!!!!!  I do believe it's more than just a new easel.
 Some good use of Trike-a-thon money, a memory game, and how amazing they are at it.
 We held various objects in front of the light to see their shadows.
 Will the groundhog see his shadow?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

We were so happy to get back after Christmas break to see all of our friends.  2013 is an exciting time for our school as we move to a new building and continue to keep our minds and bodies growing.  The last two weeks have focused on how special we are, and the next two will concentrate on winter fun!!!!

Dialing our individual phone numbers was a hands on activity.

Santa brought us a new set of Connects.  Thanks, Santa.
I am UNIQUE.  My fingerprints prove it.

Everyone in Bridge class knows their birthday.  Congrats to you.

New play dough.  We never get tire of it.

I'm the cutest little Frosty.  I just need a carrot nose.

We learned about winter animals, the polar bear and the penguin by making crafts.

McDonalds, anyone??????

Some much needed exercise.


Old fashioned board games, but we loved them.

We are waddling like penguins carrying beanbags instead of eggs.