Bubbles and Daisies

Monday, February 28, 2011


These past weeks we have focused on our healthy teeth and heart, and what we can do to keep them healthy. The unit on the senses provided many hands on activities and experiences which led to a sensory awareness.

We welcome our new friend, and introduce him to snack time.

Shake, shake, shake. Match the two that make the exact same sound. Harder than it sounds.

Sometimes we use more than one sense to enjoy our surroundings. Here we have a rock band singing,"I Like Myself," a song we learned in class.

Some of the contents in our bottles were bananas, pickles, onions, and chocolate.

Maybe if the bottle is closer to my nose, I can smell it better?????

In these pictures we could only feel or touch to guess what was in the gloves and the socks.

No one minded taste testing this treat. Students guessed the flavors of jelly beans, and learned what part of the tongue sends messages to the brain to tell it this is sweet and yummy.

The students learned which foods were good for your teeth and which ones weren't. We discovered the good foods for your teeth were also good for your heart.

We learned more about teeth with Dr. Jenkins and his puppets. Thank-you for your information and our bags of goodies.

With a real stethoscope, we could hear our hearts beating. Lub-dub, lub-dub.

Whether it was Lincoln logs or real timber logs, our creations look fantastic!!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

WE LOVE LAP!!!!!!!!!

We have accomplished alot in our math and reading even though we have not had a full week of school since Christmas. We are more confident in our reading and math by using our sight word books and by playing number games. The past two weeks we have delved into love, kindness, and how Valentine's Day got started. Below are some of the highlights we would like to share.

Conversation hearts were used for two activities, graphing, bingo, and oh yes, eating.

Valentine party treats
Students painted a piece of pottery when Earth and Fire came to give us a new experience. Ms Angela's room had 100% attendance with parent and grandparent support and I was most grateful for that.
We discussed love and the definition. It was very hard to describe love and not use the word love. We came up with caring, sharing, hugs, and lots of kisses. I think they got the message.

Here is our mini post office. These boys are hard at work making valentines for their parents.

Our valentine holders took a postal theme this year as we traced the route of a letter from its making to its delivery.

A divided empty candy box can be so much more. How many marbles can he get in with his steady hand? Marbles are great toys and children use them in many imaginary ways.
One indoor activity that got us through those snowy days was our bowling game. Number recognition, matching, and cooperative learning were gained.

Groundhog's Day and shadow play went hand in hand in our room. Each of us got the opportunity to share an object in front of the light.