Bubbles and Daisies

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I can't think of two more fun magical weeks than the last two with oceans and leprechauns and rainbows.  We had an indoor beach party, did science experiments, had some leprechaun magic while all the time learning new things.  We loved going back outside and are looking forward to spring break.
You can't have an ocean week without the crab walk... 
 and other somersaults.
 We like to limbo
 Well......sort of:)
 Our buddy Nemo was with us all during our ocean week. The class this year particularly likes stuffed pet animals.
 This friend is really getting into our ocean puzzles.
Our ocean themed sensory table had lots of shells and fish and shiny marbles in it. 
 Games at the beach party- throwing shells in sand buckets, and magnetic fishing.

Most of them loved our blue jello treat with gummy fish in them.  
 I'm listening for the ocean.
 We're ready for the beach party

 More like beach kickball than volleyball.
 Our indoor beach party.
 It was so great to get back outside this week.  Can you tell how happy they were?

 We made rainbow fish after hearing the story of Rainbow Fish.
 The sensory table was filled with rainbow rice, golden coins, black pots, and funnels and that adds up to lots of fun.
 We drew a golden chocolate coin with a capital letter on it from the leprechaun hat, but we didn't get to keep it unless we found the matching lower case shamrock.  Guess what?  This friend found his.

 Painting over the shamrocks and what do you know our names and sight words appeared like MAGIC!!!!!!!!

 Making our leprechaun hats.
 The cutest bunch of leprechauns.
 In this flashlight activity, we wrote our names with yellow marker, then we put a yellow color paddle over it, and our name disappeared. More MAGIC!!!
 Flashing a colored light on stars with letters on them on the wall to identify them.
 Making a rainbow with milk, soap, and food coloring.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Taking care of our teeth and reading Dr. Seuss books have been our topics the last two weeks.  Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Nolan have come in to help us learn more about teeth and our eyes.  Thank-you for taking time to share with us.
 We made bag puppets and chose healthy food to chomp
 down on.  
 Maybe we'll be inspired to become dentists when we grow up.

 We showed our best smiles.
 If you put a regular egg in vinegar overnight, it becomes rubbery, and the shell dissolves.  Just don't try to let it bounce like we did.....it doesn't.
 Good and bad foods for our teeth were put on happy and sad teeth.
 Our tooth experiment with water and coke to show what happens to teeth if you don't brush them.
 We flossed the tissue paper ( representing food) in between the teeth. 
 We brushed the yellow paint off the white teeth with tooth brushes and toothpaste.
 For the last two weeks we've had a grocery store in the room and the kiddos loved it.  We took turns being the
 A variation of Duck, Duck, Goose.  It's called Cat, Cat, Hat.

 Mrs. Angela had the Dr. Seuss book Horton Hatches the Egg on CD.
 We tried to keep the cat in the parachute, but somehow he kept jumping out.
Dr. Nolan came as a guest reader.  He even ate lunch with us. 
 Dr. Nolan read us a Dr. Seuss book called The Eye. 
 Dr. Nolan brought a model of the eye and this student asked to see it up close.
 I love you, grandpa!
 Dr. Nolan listened to some of us read just like he did.
 Thank-you Dr. Nolan for coming to read and tell us about the eyes.