Bubbles and Daisies

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Turkeys, Pilgrims, and Thanksgiving took center stage the last two weeks.  We thanked God for our many blessings like family, friends, and good food.  We had a Pilgrim and Native American celebration with lots of yummy fruit.  Thank you God for letting us be a part of this fun school.
 Lots of turkey games. Turkey math and turkey "T" sounds.

 This week it was a team effort to work these hard puzzles.

 A challenging game of memory.

 Turkey tail feathers made out of comic strips.
 We love playing with the dollhouse.
 The pine cone was pretty easy to tell without looking, but the letters were a different story.

 This graph was pretty clear-- pumpkin pie was the favorite Thanksgiving food.
 This old time hot air popcorn machine brought many faces......

 But the most fun was eating it!!!!!

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